Week .001 // Hello World.
Hey. Hi. Hello,
My name is Viktor.
I've been spending the past four years curating an internet personality in the pursuit of happiness, fame, fortune, and inspiring others.
And frankly I don't know if achieved any of those things.
So, now, i've decided to open up more. Show you more. Bring you closer.
Because I have nothing left to lose.
So, here it goes. I'm going to tell you whats happening in my personal life. What I really do, on the day to day. What my existence means besides a selfie here and promotional post there.
So let me bring you up to speed.
Two weeks ago I got fired from my day job because of speaking up. For saying I didn't feel safe. I worked at a gay bar in the Castro here in SF. I reached out to my manager after a new employee had made me feel unsafe. He asked my trans status, what surgeries i'd had, and about my genitals while we were alone in back, I told my manager what had happened, and he hired the same employee at another bar owned by the company. He then told me that I could never mention being in porn, doing sex work, or anything around being a sex worker ever again. Keep in mind that for most jobs this would be a totally reasonable request. Except that they've hired a bunch of other out sex workers and porn stars through the years. In fact, one of my other co-workers was an out escort as well. Was he being told the same thing? And why was I being punished for telling someone I didn't feel safe? This was the one space where I could be out. I can't get other jobs because i'm usually unqualified for them. I'm a high school drop out and a lot of places find out that i'm trans, or a sex worker, find an excuse to fire me.
Its happened over and over again through my whole transition.
So, I was put between a rock and hard place where no matter what, I would lose.
I've maintained my finances though sex work, odd jobs, and selling nudes on the internet.
Now, without a day job as my main form of income, i've decided to take the leap and see if I can survive, yet again, on my own body and creativity.
The thing is, i've been here many times before.
But this time, I feel like I know I can make something special. I can devote my time to sharing my life, creating more connections, and being present for my community.
I know that I can keep making content and putting myself out there. And I know the things that make me un-hire-able, undesirable, and unqualified in some spaces are my gifts and blessings in others.
So i'm going to share my life with you and share my hustle. I want to share my success and failure.
I want to show you that I am human and trying my best to set my heart on fire in hopes to warm the world.
Are you ready to learn with me? To grow with me?
I'm ready to take it on with you. I'm here with open arms, to learn and to love.
I've decided to make this my blog, and to also vlog on my onlyfans.
Keep you eyes peeled for photo & video updates, rambles and writing about my travels, and my experience being a traveling escort.
So, come get closer.